Each month the Genesis Shapers meets for one hour to discuss the evolving WordPress landscape and how it relates to the Genesis community.
This update on the Genesis shapers is delivered via video (with transcript)!
Check out the update, presented by David Vogelpohl and Carrie Dils, below.
If you missed any updates, they can be found in the YouTube channel here.
In this Shapers Recap episode, David and Carrie are joined by Lauren Gaige of Restored 316.
Restored 316 are primarily focused on feminine WordPress themes built with the genesis framework, making businesses beautiful and just helping other women in business.
Don’t have time for the video? Enjoy the TL;DW:
The topic of this Shaper’s Meeting was around making the Genesis experience friendlier to non-technical users and further prepare for Full Site Editing so we can bring the block experience fully into the Genesis universe in alignment with Core.
- What improvements to non-technical user experiences would you like to see us address within Genesis products? How can we make non-technical users’ lives easier?
- Much of the Shapers feedback was centered around abstracting out as much technical aspects as possible when using block and theme based tools for content creation. In other words no / hardly any code required to do specific kinds of customizations by a non-technical user.
- The block editor in particular is well suited to serve non-technical users, but Genesis products should also focus on enabling technical users to create their own custom versions of easy-to-use block-based experiences.
- Do you have any feedback or suggestions for Collections in Genesis Blocks? Questions and/or thoughts on the use of Collections by child themes in the FSE context or otherwise?
- There was quite a bit of discussion around what a “Collection” actually is. David Vogelpohl described Collections as an entire site’s worth of block-based demo content available on-demand as a user builds out posts or pages.
- Visit this link to jump to the point in the Shapers recap video where David demos how Collections work.
- The Shapers were very curious about how Collections would be used by theme developers either creating custom themes for one company or sold to many people. David discussed how the intent was the 3rd party theme creators could create their own Collections which could be used in the free version of Genesis Blocks. Read this article on creating your own Collection if you’re curious.
- We will be building and sharing PHP/CSS templates for specific types of custom blocks for Genesis Custom Blocks as examples for people to build and modify their own. What type of blocks would you like to see us build and share?
- The overwhelming response from the Shapers on this one was to create custom post grid blocks with custom post type filters and features.
- This has actually been the #1 block type requested for Genesis Blocks as well.
- In response, Rob Stinson of the Genesis Team created this article detailing how to make and customize a custom post grid block with Genesis Custom Blocks.
- Did you notice any issues specific for sites running Genesis themes related to the Atomic Blocks to Genesis Blocks migration tool? If you’re a 3rd party theme provider or provide support to non-technical users, did those users have issues migrating from AB to GB?
- Most Shapers had a very easy time using the migration technology without any issues.
- Some Shapers did have issues related to themes that had styles for Atomic Blocks and required an update to the child theme. This was especially difficult for non-technical users.
- The migration tech is a one-time event, but learnings from this feedback are critical for the Genesis engineering team.
- Would you like to participate in the beta for a future FSE theme called Genesis Block Theme?
- Most Shapers said they would and ended up providing wonderful feedback since then. If you’d like to participate in the beta of Genesis Block Theme, you can do so here. We’d love your feedback to help shape the future of Genesis!
00:00:01.949 –> 00:00:13.349
David Vogelpohl: Hello everyone and welcome to the genesis community live cast. This is our Genesis shapers recap episode for the November 2020 shapers meeting collecting collections.
00:00:13.740 –> 00:00:20.370
David Vogelpohl: I’m David Vogel pole. I’ve been a proud member of the genesis community for over eight years now. I lead Genesis WP Engine
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David Vogelpohl: And I love helping the genesis community get better together with my friends from the shapers joining me for today’s recap episode first time appearance on The shapers recap episode. I’d like to welcome Lauren gauge of restored 316 Lauren, welcome.
00:00:36.180 –> 00:00:37.080
Lauren: Thanks for having me.
00:00:37.350 –> 00:00:48.390
David Vogelpohl: So glad to have you here. For those unfamiliar maybe maybe those like living under a rock and not familiar with all the things you do in Genesis and could you tell folks a little bit about what we’re stored does
00:00:48.990 –> 00:00:55.170
Lauren: Yeah, so we are primarily focused on feminine WordPress themes built with the genesis framework, of course.
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Lauren: And then we offer some other things like graphic templates. And so our, our slogan. Our main goal in our businesses making businesses beautiful and just helping you know women in business 16
00:01:05.910 –> 00:01:08.460
David Vogelpohl: Oh, that’s a great slogan. I don’t think I’d heard that before.
00:01:08.550 –> 00:01:11.070
David Vogelpohl: Seeing your themes. I would definitely say it fits
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David Vogelpohl: Yeah. Sure. Thank you for that like to welcome back. Carrie deals and carry deals calm Carrie, welcome.
00:01:18.630 –> 00:01:19.710
cdils: Thanks again for having me.
00:01:20.190 –> 00:01:30.300
David Vogelpohl: Of course, always glad to have you here for those watching or listening Carrie and Lauren are both Genesis shapers so glad to have them here to come and recap the meeting.
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David Vogelpohl: So to orient everyone, of course, the meeting takes place in Slack every month. The very first question we always ask is, can we get a show of hands for those that were able to make it today.
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David Vogelpohl: Carrie and Lauren, you were both there. We also have john Paris Nick Jonas from the genesis engineering team Jonathan Jeter shaper
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David Vogelpohl: works for a company called click here labs big agency out of Dallas mount Lawrence from the engineering team Mike hamburger for my themes REM kiss to free us
00:02:00.930 –> 00:02:07.440
David Vogelpohl: And we’re because this is so much. He’s such a great guy, you know, RIM cus Lauren. I know you don’t care i think you know him well.
00:02:07.950 –> 00:02:11.430
Lauren: I don’t know him very well. I’ve just seen his name and the shapers group. Yeah, he’s
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David Vogelpohl: Just this great like strong teddy bear kind of guy. He’s, he’s a wonderful, wonderful individual love having him on the shapers
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David Vogelpohl: John brown know why, but by dolla know why was on the Genesis shapers recap episode last month. Ryan Murray of 3200 creative lion construct from the engineering team bill Ericsson of Bill Ericsson fame Travis Smith as well. So it looks like we had a good group that day.
00:02:37.800 –> 00:02:48.360
David Vogelpohl: Our first question on the agenda was what improvements to to non technical user experiences, would you like to see us address within Genesis products.
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David Vogelpohl: How can we make non technical users lives easier. This question actually spawned from a conversation with Lauren gage right here.
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David Vogelpohl: She and I had had around this on a one on one basis. And so, Lauren, maybe you could share your thoughts here and then we can kind of get to some of the thoughts from the other shapers
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Lauren: Yeah, so I think I commented there in that meeting that I think my biggest thing.
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Lauren: Regarding this is avoiding as much technical stuff for the end user as possible, especially when it involves updating a child theme that
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Lauren: In my opinion, wasn’t really meant to be updated in the first place. When the existence of child themes were created. So I think that part of things is really what I think needs to be looked at when a big update is is made.
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David Vogelpohl: Yeah, those are really good points. You know, I know a lot of people do make modifications to the theme or
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David Vogelpohl: You know, have to update themes for variety of reasons. And now the block styles in particular affected some of your customers and updating them with the genesis blocks atomic box of justice box migration stuff.
00:03:56.880 –> 00:04:06.480
David Vogelpohl: And so it’s interesting you know this this issue, if you will, of like, well, we need to make updates to themes over time and people need to do that for all kinds of reasons.
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David Vogelpohl: security patches and so on and so forth.
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David Vogelpohl: And so like getting around this paradigm of well, how do I customize how do I add styles.
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David Vogelpohl: And how do I do that in a way I can you know maybe do updates or at least avoid that by doing those changes in other ways.
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David Vogelpohl: I feel like full site editing and the way it kind of themes and blocks will be our plugins will behave and we’re content will live. And we’re styles will live will actually alleviate a lot of this. But obviously these paradigms still exists in a lot of context.
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David Vogelpohl: Carry. What was your opinion what where should we do to improve non technical user experiences within the genesis suite of products.
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cdils: I really appreciated Lauren’s insight, because the audience that she works with and also needed chimed in with some
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cdils: Some comments and working. I know she does a lot of work with less technical users.
00:05:01.410 –> 00:05:18.270
cdils: And needed brought up a good point, which is making users feel safe in okay about updating plugins and when plugins haven’t had an update in, you know, or been tested with the latest version of WordPress, even though they’re non breaking plugins that still might scare users off.
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cdils: I’m personally guilty of harboring some
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cdils: Outdated plugins in the in the repository and
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David Vogelpohl: So they are they just not updated tested with the current version, but you’re saying that functionally stable.
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David Vogelpohl: Functionally work. You just haven’t like bumped the version or the testing.
00:05:39.060 –> 00:05:41.220
David Vogelpohl: Attribute within the plugin to
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David Vogelpohl: Go on.org that it was tested.
00:05:43.770 –> 00:05:48.300
cdils: Exactly that. When I after a new just comment. I went and looked at. It’s been four years.
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cdils: Since I updated the plugin. I was like, oh, maybe it’s time I go ahead and give that a version bump.
00:05:54.510 –> 00:06:05.190
David Vogelpohl: Yeah, I think she was pointing out some of the plugins in the genesis universe or like that. Like they work. But if you look on.org it says hasn’t been tested with the latest version and it it makes people feel fearful about doing that update
00:06:06.570 –> 00:06:06.960
cdils: For sure.
00:06:07.530 –> 00:06:17.220
David Vogelpohl: Yeah, that’s a really good point. You know, plug in up plugins that are not patched for security vulnerabilities are like the biggest cause of WordPress sites getting hacked and
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David Vogelpohl: I have a well I have an unnamed family member who will remain unnamed to help that date. Their, their laptop recently and I think they were like, on five versions back of Makkah is
00:06:27.930 –> 00:06:33.120
David Vogelpohl: It’s just like rife with Unpatched vulnerabilities know like, oh my goodness, I got to get this out today.
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David Vogelpohl: Chris people do this with their plugins as well. I think it’s also important to point out, or I think it’s good that he needed pointed this out I didn’t mention a neat is showing up, but she was late. Apparently she she came in later and said, I’m here.
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David Vogelpohl: But really pointing out that it’s also part of the plugin authors responsibility to instill that confidence and provide people
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David Vogelpohl: You know assurances as they make those upgrades that those upgrades are going to work in a way that’s hopefully not going to cause issues with their site. I think testing updates. As always, of course, important no matter what.
00:07:03.510 –> 00:07:07.440
David Vogelpohl: So, but it’s good to have those assurances as you go on with that.
00:07:08.790 –> 00:07:21.000
David Vogelpohl: Rim kiss actually pointed out, he says, I suppose, this goes for non technical users as well, but I’d love to see more onboarding happening explaining the features of Genesis and its child theme offers I’m finding
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David Vogelpohl: myself having to explain these quite frequently. So to me it was like talking about things like one click themes setup.
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David Vogelpohl: And as we think, even in the future with full site editing, like what that experience might look like. Which is great for like onboarding but like
00:07:36.390 –> 00:07:42.060
David Vogelpohl: If you look at the experiences, even within one click theme setup within the studio press themes or even third party themes
00:07:42.420 –> 00:07:52.980
David Vogelpohl: There’s not a lot of explanation for, like, what the things are and exactly, you know what the context is and using them. And I thought it was very ironic that rim has brought this up because we’re him because formerly worked for Yost
00:07:53.400 –> 00:08:05.700
David Vogelpohl: Which I think yes, does an incredible job with their help text. If you read help text on a on a used feature like it’s telling you what it is and what the context is links off to something else. If you want to go read the details.
00:08:07.410 –> 00:08:16.650
David Vogelpohl: Lauren, have you approached this much in your themes like do you do you pay a lot of attention to your help tax or like helping those those users get to that next step and find value faster.
00:08:17.070 –> 00:08:22.140
Lauren: Oh yeah, absolutely. That’s like one of the key things I think in our businesses, everything that I launched
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Lauren: I do video tutorials of every single step so that they understand like what everything is doing.
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Lauren: And you know what to click I mean I’m dealing with a lot of non technical bloggers, right, so I’ve got to literally hold their hand and step them through the entire process. So I have lots of videos and written text to to help them through that process.
00:08:41.610 –> 00:08:51.840
David Vogelpohl: Well, that’s awesome. And I know a lot of people in the Genesis and WordPress contacts in general, start as you described and like find a knack for it and keep doing it and maybe even get into development one day.
00:08:52.410 –> 00:09:08.850
David Vogelpohl: But during that phase of discovery, you know, in addition to providing technology that makes it easy. It sounds like there’s a good point by REM kiss that you also need the context in terms of like help tax and other ways to explain how and why things work. Yeah.
00:09:08.910 –> 00:09:18.300
David Vogelpohl: Absolutely Alright, next question on the agenda. Do you have any feedback or suggestions for collections in Genesis Bob blocks.
00:09:19.770 –> 00:09:27.480
David Vogelpohl: Question questions and or thoughts on the use of collections by child themes in the FMC context or otherwise. So let me break this down into something that’s more
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David Vogelpohl: approachable and understandable Genesis blocks released a feature recently called collections. The way you can think about collections.
00:09:36.450 –> 00:09:48.870
David Vogelpohl: Is it’s basically a themes block based demo content that’s available to us at any moment when building a poster page and in the future navigation sidebar and footer.
00:09:50.430 –> 00:10:02.190
David Vogelpohl: collections are able to be created by anyone and invoked, if you will. Within Genesis blocks. So if you were a third party theme provider by sake of example like Lauren
00:10:03.390 –> 00:10:14.310
David Vogelpohl: As full site editing and these other aspects come to be. You can actually create a collection and have it be triggered within the genesis blocks plugin as a users building a post or page.
00:10:14.970 –> 00:10:22.860
David Vogelpohl: collections are basically again a demo, demo site sites worth of demo content that’s all been chopped up
00:10:23.640 –> 00:10:36.750
David Vogelpohl: In the entire pages sections of pages and individual blocks. So instead of using only one click theme setup to load in all that stuff when you create a site, it’s actually like on demand, basically.
00:10:38.160 –> 00:10:45.570
David Vogelpohl: Lauren. I was most curious. I’m curious about people’s feedback in general. But I was kind of most curious from the third party theme providers perspective.
00:10:45.990 –> 00:10:57.210
David Vogelpohl: Had some really good conversations with john brown around this thinking about how he thinks about demo content and like you know his thoughts on collection. So I’m just curious, like what your thoughts were kind of seeing that thinking about, like,
00:10:57.690 –> 00:11:01.140
David Vogelpohl: future iterations of block based demo content with your themes
00:11:01.440 –> 00:11:08.940
Lauren: Yeah, no, I’m, I’m excited about it because one of our top questions with our customers that are using Gutenberg things is
00:11:09.270 –> 00:11:14.190
Lauren: I want this section from this page. And how do I get it on this page like people are having to go and copy and
00:11:14.730 –> 00:11:27.780
Lauren: Copy and paste code and all this kind of stuff right now, which is a mess. But so I’m excited about it. I have not had the time yet to sit down and like play with it, but I’ve seen the videos I understand how it works. So I’m excited to dive in and
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Lauren: Eventually include that my themes as it as it progresses.
00:11:31.800 –> 00:11:38.760
David Vogelpohl: Awesome. We’re doing video here. What if we just show people what I’m talking about. So I can quit describing this visual thing.
00:11:39.330 –> 00:11:44.880
David Vogelpohl: Let’s do it, hoping everyone does it. We’ll see if it works here. Okay. Share screen. All right. Good deal.
00:11:45.690 –> 00:11:50.070
David Vogelpohl: Alright, I’m inside WordPress. So I’m inside a post or page or whatever.
00:11:50.490 –> 00:12:01.890
David Vogelpohl: So let’s go and take a look at what a collection is so I’m going to go to layouts, which is triggered by the genesis blocks plugin as I described their parts of the page called sections which are blocked based demo content.
00:12:02.490 –> 00:12:10.290
David Vogelpohl: Layouts, which are entire page of block based demo content, but as you can see here the layouts don’t really follow the same design pattern.
00:12:10.770 –> 00:12:25.920
David Vogelpohl: You can actually go in and modify these to all follow the same design pattern, but in their default state within Genesis blocks. They don’t within the layouts. However, within collections. You’ll notice that they all follow the same design pattern. So these are the collection sections.
00:12:27.240 –> 00:12:37.860
David Vogelpohl: Part of the page. And as you can see, same design I get all the way down here and we have page layout. So an entire page of block based demo content.
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David Vogelpohl: So if you’ve run one click theme setup you may know it like loads in all the block based demo content, like in one go.
00:12:44.280 –> 00:12:48.390
David Vogelpohl: And so with the collections approach you actually just click on this.
00:12:48.930 –> 00:13:01.080
David Vogelpohl: icon here or whatever. When you’re building a page or a post and it just loads in all the content automatically on demand. And I think that’s the key difference with collections over, say one click theme setup. So that’s what a collection is
00:13:01.500 –> 00:13:10.770
David Vogelpohl: Carrie. What about you, you’ve been a WordPress. I’m sorry WordPress and Genesis forever. What are your thoughts on collections and just, I guess. Full Side editing and this whole block thing in general.
00:13:11.910 –> 00:13:12.990
cdils: Well, that’s a loaded question.
00:13:14.250 –> 00:13:25.020
cdils: As far as the collections go. I think that’s really cool. In the early days, excuse me, Genesis and our new probably heard this to or you were just even mentioning it that
00:13:26.370 –> 00:13:26.820
cdils: Hold on.
00:13:27.180 –> 00:13:31.080
David Vogelpohl: Yeah, take your time there. We want to get when I get the good carry deals
00:13:31.230 –> 00:13:32.910
cdils: On coughing opinion. Right. Yes.
00:13:32.970 –> 00:13:34.650
David Vogelpohl: Like the bridge. There are covered for you.
00:13:34.710 –> 00:13:38.520
cdils: Did I appreciate that. Sorry for the frog joining us this morning.
00:13:39.630 –> 00:13:44.340
cdils: But people enjoying say like thinking one theme has a super cool homepage.
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cdils: Or a section or whatnot, like are the minimum pro theme, how these really like huge social icons on the front and people will be like, how do I get that on this other theme and
00:13:59.400 –> 00:14:04.800
cdils: So the idea of just being able to take design patterns and
00:14:06.570 –> 00:14:09.330
cdils: Really easily pop them into any theme.
00:14:10.710 –> 00:14:29.190
cdils: I love it. Even when the Gutenberg themes started rolling out like I really liked the authority pro homepage. But I wanted to use a different theme. So the way I went about it was do a one click setup on authority pro get all the blocks in and then switch themes
00:14:30.450 –> 00:14:35.130
cdils: Which is doable but there’s just a lot of extra clicks. So I think collections solves an interesting
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cdils: Problem and I liked it, that something that third party developers can take advantage of.
00:14:42.180 –> 00:14:56.070
David Vogelpohl: That’s really cool analogy I actually had not thought about it in that way. That’s absolutely correct. Right. It’s like mixing and matching between the theme based demo content, which was, you know, relatively difficult before
00:14:57.360 –> 00:15:05.940
David Vogelpohl: That that’s a really interesting outcome from that. I think the other issue that brings up that is Frank insights right I’m mixing and matching the styles over here.
00:15:06.420 –> 00:15:13.650
David Vogelpohl: And I know that’s on a lot of folks minds but you know obviously having that flexibility and so the flexibility of course this style within
00:15:14.520 –> 00:15:20.280
David Vogelpohl: Your you know your vision of design. So if you like those blue buttons here. Use the blue buttons and so on and so forth.
00:15:21.000 –> 00:15:28.680
David Vogelpohl: But certainly getting to that point of customization is way faster by being able to mix and match them our content in the block context.
00:15:29.460 –> 00:15:43.920
David Vogelpohl: Alright, next question for the shapers we will be building and shaping PHP CSS templates for specific types of custom blocks for Genesis custom blocks as examples for people to build and modify
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David Vogelpohl: Their own
00:15:45.210 –> 00:15:54.720
David Vogelpohl: What type of blocks, would you like to see us build and share. So I’ll do the context thing again. Genesis custom blocks helps you create your own custom Gutenberg blog.
00:15:55.620 –> 00:16:01.620
David Vogelpohl: In order to do that you create a PHP and a CSS file. So you need to be a WordPress developer to use it.
00:16:02.250 –> 00:16:07.890
David Vogelpohl: However, you don’t need to know react so that’s great for your bread and butter WordPress developer
00:16:08.580 –> 00:16:16.920
David Vogelpohl: And so what Rob Stinson of the genesis product marketing team is doing is he’s actually going out and building a lot of blocks.
00:16:17.220 –> 00:16:27.990
David Vogelpohl: And then he sharing the templates with folks and you can actually check this out. If you go to the genesis custom blocks channel and slack Rob starting to share those in there, and he’s like, what, what, which ones do you want to build
00:16:29.520 –> 00:16:38.820
David Vogelpohl: Carrie, I guess I’ll pick on you. When did you ever did you have one that you thought we should bill or he should build or did you just like something that someone else had suggested
00:16:39.270 –> 00:16:43.200
cdils: Uh, well I posed a similar question to this on a
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cdils: Genesis Facebook page. A few weeks ago and
00:16:47.670 –> 00:16:49.260
David Vogelpohl: Because you’re doing this too, aren’t you
00:16:49.590 –> 00:16:50.340
cdils: Yeah, trying
00:16:51.450 –> 00:16:57.180
cdils: Yeah, give me and I mean in a way that’s collaborative with with Rob, certainly. He’s the master when it comes to
00:16:57.600 –> 00:17:09.300
David Vogelpohl: y su with your courses and stuff like this kind of stuff would probably make its way in over time. So feel free to work on your own. Don’t feel free to clap Rob’s great but don’t feel don’t feel obligated vibrate with her out.
00:17:10.200 –> 00:17:11.550
cdils: All right, Rob, did you hear that
00:17:13.290 –> 00:17:20.400
cdils: No, I think the overwhelming response was grids. We want to see grid layouts for posts and then
00:17:22.230 –> 00:17:35.940
cdils: You know, with the current Genesis framework operating heavily with hooks and filters, there’s this tremendous flexibility to put the photo on the top or to remove the comments or post author to get really granular in the settings.
00:17:37.170 –> 00:17:39.360
cdils: Right now the like the grid.
00:17:40.770 –> 00:17:41.550
cdils: What exist.
00:17:42.600 –> 00:17:50.910
cdils: Right now, with full site editing is still very immature. There’s new terribly named query block that
00:17:52.410 –> 00:18:10.200
cdils: That recently shipped and anyway. All that to say that people are overwhelmingly looking for a variety of grid types and the flexibility and since that’s not there in core yet using Genesis custom blocks is a way to build some examples that Rob is doing that’s
00:18:11.460 –> 00:18:17.160
David Vogelpohl: Yeah. He said it was it was going to be like all queries for the next set of things like different examples.
00:18:18.090 –> 00:18:26.730
David Vogelpohl: You know the one of the more popular block requests in the genesis blocks context we’re blocks are kind of pre designed and created an optimized.
00:18:27.180 –> 00:18:39.720
David Vogelpohl: Versus you creating whatever kind of thing you want in Genesis custom blocks was like basically a post grid for custom post types that you can filter by whatever the custom post type in whatever the custom metadata was
00:18:40.800 –> 00:18:50.910
David Vogelpohl: In so it wasn’t a surprise to see this as a popular request from the shapers I mean know why I mentioned it Lauren you you gave it a thumbs up there.
00:18:52.620 –> 00:18:53.970
David Vogelpohl: Is this this on your mind.
00:18:54.300 –> 00:18:59.730
Lauren: Oh, for sure. I couldn’t have said it any better than Carrie just did. It’s definitely my number one thing of
00:19:00.840 –> 00:19:04.230
Lauren: Wanting more more block styles for those post grids.
00:19:04.650 –> 00:19:08.940
David Vogelpohl: Yep. Ram kid says plus 1000 for fancy grids and variation
00:19:10.920 –> 00:19:16.350
David Vogelpohl: Looks like Ryan Mary’s emphasizing mobile first design, which of course always great, especially in today’s world.
00:19:17.010 –> 00:19:30.390
David Vogelpohl: And then john brown academic so funny. I, we were hoping for a list of ideas. But we basically just got like the one idea was like yeah of course the one idea is like a flexible idea that you can kind of use with anything. So maybe that’s why
00:19:31.980 –> 00:19:42.600
David Vogelpohl: That was pretty cool. So Rob’s building those if you listening or watching would like to request your own examples of custom blocks. Please go to the genesis custom block Slack channel.
00:19:43.020 –> 00:19:49.950
David Vogelpohl: And make that suggestion in there. Rob sense and we’ll be monitoring that and looking for ideas for his next template is here.
00:19:50.820 –> 00:20:04.800
David Vogelpohl: Next question for the shapers. Did you notice any specific or any issues specific decides running Genesis themes related to the atomic blocks to Genesis blocks migration tool. So for contacts.
00:20:05.760 –> 00:20:13.200
David Vogelpohl: We released migration tech with inside Genesis blocks and atomic blocks that automatically migrated
00:20:13.710 –> 00:20:22.650
David Vogelpohl: Your blocks over to Genesis blocks. And then the next part of this question says, if you’re a third party theme provider provider or provide support to non technical users.
00:20:23.190 –> 00:20:30.510
David Vogelpohl: And did those users have issues migrating from atomic blocks to Genesis blocks learn. I know that some of your users did
00:20:31.590 –> 00:20:39.360
David Vogelpohl: And it was related to some of the styles that were provided for atomic blocks in the child theme kind of forcing that theme.
00:20:39.930 –> 00:20:45.510
David Vogelpohl: To those folks to kind of upgrade their child theme. I think one I’d like to enforce real quickly.
00:20:46.050 –> 00:20:59.160
David Vogelpohl: There is no rush to do this migration, if you were in the situation where you have styles within your theme for blocks and doing the migration will require a few extra steps which we do have documentation around
00:21:00.270 –> 00:21:07.320
David Vogelpohl: There’s no rush to do that. Don’t feel like you need to run out and do this tomorrow atomic clocks will absolutely be maintained.
00:21:07.560 –> 00:21:23.190
David Vogelpohl: For maintenance releases and for, you know, major breaking changes as WordPress evolves, we’re definitely not going to leave folks hanging that are still using atomic clocks. So just to reinforce that, in general, and then, you know, obviously. Thank you, Lauren, for
00:21:24.240 –> 00:21:31.410
David Vogelpohl: You know, the work you’ve done to get your customers in a spot that have been using that plugin and did have to upgrade those themes. I think the conversations that you and I had
00:21:32.040 –> 00:21:44.130
David Vogelpohl: around helping to make this go smoother, particularly for third party theme authors in the future was incredibly helpful. Now I will emphasize, we don’t plan any major migration plugins anytime soon. So
00:21:44.580 –> 00:21:45.120
David Vogelpohl: I hope
00:21:45.660 –> 00:21:46.500
00:21:47.880 –> 00:22:06.030
David Vogelpohl: And just really appreciate everyone you know if we made the decision last year to elevate the genesis brand from only the genesis framework to all of our, you know, Genesis, you know, kind of power, if you will, products. And so in elevating that brand.
00:22:07.200 –> 00:22:17.940
David Vogelpohl: You know, we wanted to move away from the atomic blocks brand and then settle within the genesis blocks in, especially as we build for the future and full side editing.
00:22:18.450 –> 00:22:23.400
David Vogelpohl: In the full site editing context when you build full side editing themes Genesis blocks.
00:22:23.880 –> 00:22:30.390
David Vogelpohl: will essentially be that kind of core Genesis technology in that context. So as you’re using the framework today.
00:22:30.750 –> 00:22:48.330
David Vogelpohl: To build non full site editing themes is all web developers and developers are doing today, this isn’t specific the Genesis, but for FFC because of the changes happening to themes and what PHP functions, they can use and things like that. Genesis blocks will be that core and FFC
00:22:50.580 –> 00:23:05.850
David Vogelpohl: Know why seem to have a fine time with it. He says, as I mentioned, from the 15 to 20 migrations. I did not have a single issue. I think he didn’t have a lot of styles and this themes that was one reason most people actually had that kind of experience.
00:23:06.930 –> 00:23:10.410
David Vogelpohl: But he also is very technical. So I’m sure that was helpful for him.
00:23:11.580 –> 00:23:15.120
David Vogelpohl: Says good feedback there Lauren anything you’d like to add, no.
00:23:15.180 –> 00:23:29.100
Lauren: I think I mentioned in the shapers I had one issue with the MailChimp API when migration went through, but we were able to get it fixed. And it was good. But overall, we had a very seamless process of getting everybody upgraded or migrated upper
00:23:29.520 –> 00:23:38.970
David Vogelpohl: Awesome, awesome. Yeah, I know y’all y’all do great work there, making sure your customers are set up for success. I think I feel very blessed to work in an industry where
00:23:39.600 –> 00:23:45.780
David Vogelpohl: We can have this kind of collaboration between companies and between individuals to help make sure folks are set up for success. So
00:23:46.410 –> 00:23:54.720
David Vogelpohl: Thank you for all the work you do there with with your, with your folks, Lauren, really appreciate that. And I think this is the last question.
00:23:55.320 –> 00:24:05.520
David Vogelpohl: It says, Would you like to participate in the beta for Genesis block theme, I’m Lauren, I don’t know, unless your name. I hear, did you say you would or no.
00:24:05.580 –> 00:24:12.960
Lauren: I didn’t. I think at that point I had to get on another call the client, but um yes I would like to. I just need to find the time to do it.
00:24:13.710 –> 00:24:17.070
David Vogelpohl: I know time is is tricky business for sure.
00:24:17.490 –> 00:24:18.990
Lauren: Only there were more hours in a day.
00:24:19.470 –> 00:24:27.630
David Vogelpohl: Yes, yes. Karen know you’ve been testing. It looks like other folks said, you know, they were they were willing to read asked this question before the launch of the genesis block theme beta
00:24:28.710 –> 00:24:37.590
David Vogelpohl: That was launched in early November. If you go to studio press dot blog, you can see a blog post about it. There’s also a Slack channel in Genesis WP
00:24:38.400 –> 00:24:46.230
David Vogelpohl: Called Genesis block theme beta and the theme is a non full site editing theme.
00:24:46.650 –> 00:24:59.400
David Vogelpohl: And the blog post describes how you should approach testing with it, but it’s primarily focused on doing what we call a block only or block first build, you’re really not modifying the theme hardly at all if at all.
00:24:59.820 –> 00:25:11.070
David Vogelpohl: And the reason for that is because when we look at full site editing the way we use themes today and the way themes function will be greatly different other words, you’ll be providing styles more
00:25:11.670 –> 00:25:18.960
David Vogelpohl: In the plugin context, in some ways than the theme and the theme will will govern more in the block context is what I mean.
00:25:19.500 –> 00:25:25.710
David Vogelpohl: And the theme will govern will be more to define the global styles of course as themes do today.
00:25:26.280 –> 00:25:36.210
David Vogelpohl: But this paradigm is changing. And so what we wanted to do was we wanted to release a theme that people could test in conjunction with Genesis blocks or Genesis custom blocks.
00:25:36.480 –> 00:25:45.450
David Vogelpohl: To try to do one of those kind of block first builds and then provide feedback on that experience, experience with the product and engineering teams are doing
00:25:45.810 –> 00:25:56.880
David Vogelpohl: Is they are using that feedback to inform what their what they will build in terms of Genesis block theme as an FFC theme full site editing theme.
00:25:57.870 –> 00:26:05.760
David Vogelpohl: So in other words, the beta theme will be wound down after the beta period and will be replaced with a full site editing thing.
00:26:06.510 –> 00:26:14.310
David Vogelpohl: You can think of Genesis block theme as Genesis sample for full site editing it will be freely distributed to anyone.
00:26:15.300 –> 00:26:20.430
David Vogelpohl: And then third party theme providers like Lauren, or if you make your own custom themes for full site editing.
00:26:21.150 –> 00:26:24.450
David Vogelpohl: Will be able to build your own theme, similar to Genesis block theme.
00:26:25.140 –> 00:26:31.080
David Vogelpohl: So we definitely definitely need your feedback. We need to understand what your experiences like building with blocks.
00:26:31.440 –> 00:26:41.280
David Vogelpohl: What roadblocks you’ve hit so that as we work to release the full site editing version of Genesis block theme we have as much information as possible to set everyone up for success.
00:26:42.570 –> 00:26:46.710
David Vogelpohl: Carrie and I know you’ve tested Genesis block them and I can talk to you about that but
00:26:47.850 –> 00:26:49.620
David Vogelpohl: I don’t know, maybe. Do you have any insights on that.
00:26:50.700 –> 00:26:52.680
cdils: I know it’s just kind of an interesting
00:26:53.880 –> 00:26:55.230
cdils: Pyramid to
00:26:56.550 –> 00:27:02.910
cdils: When you say the block first build to really try to ignore everything that’s coming from the theme and try to get the result you want with blocks.
00:27:04.320 –> 00:27:10.230
cdils: And then kind of working backwards from there to so yeah I’d encourage people that they want to participate in it to do it.
00:27:10.620 –> 00:27:17.010
David Vogelpohl: Yeah, and I mean really, just to re emphasize this, like this is happening in WordPress core. This is what full site editing is bringing
00:27:17.490 –> 00:27:24.750
David Vogelpohl: And so our efforts here are really about trying to understand, like, where should we be building, how should we be documenting things
00:27:25.440 –> 00:27:32.910
David Vogelpohl: To prepare folks to build in full site editing Genesis framework of course will continue to be maintained and continue to be
00:27:33.300 –> 00:27:40.440
David Vogelpohl: Updated as WordPress evolves. And of course, there’ll be many, you know, multiple years before. Some people ever build a full set editing theme.
00:27:41.040 –> 00:27:52.620
David Vogelpohl: But when that’s available, we want. We want to be there with you. We want to be there for you and providing you the technology, the documentation and access to these things that has never been available. I mean, Genesis sample.
00:27:53.670 –> 00:28:01.050
David Vogelpohl: Being freely distributed Genesis blocks being freely distributed all of the capabilities. I’ve described before are freely distributed now.
00:28:01.530 –> 00:28:10.200
David Vogelpohl: And will continue to be freely distributed in the future. So we’re really excited to be able to bring this kind of value to the genesis community in the WordPress community as a whole.
00:28:10.890 –> 00:28:19.560
David Vogelpohl: In particularly around providing that bridge to full site editing as it becomes available in core. Well, this was super fun. Thanks. Carrie and Lauren
00:28:20.160 –> 00:28:20.880
Lauren: Thanks for having us.
00:28:21.390 –> 00:28:28.830
David Vogelpohl: Yeah, of course. Wonderful. Wonderful. I’m looking forward to speaking to you all again here in a couple of weeks, and the next Genesis shapers meeting.
00:28:29.610 –> 00:28:38.670
David Vogelpohl: If you’d like to learn more about what Carrie Dells is up to you can visit Carrie deals calm, especially if you’re trying to learn. Genesis or WordPress. She’s extremely good at that.
00:28:39.210 –> 00:28:50.040
David Vogelpohl: And then if you’d like to see what Lauren’s up to visit restored 316 calm, particularly if you’re looking for feminine inspired themes Lawrence themes are just beautiful, beautiful themes
00:28:50.850 –> 00:28:59.220
David Vogelpohl: Thanks everyone for listening and stay tuned for future episodes of The genesis community live cast again. This has been your host, David Vogel poll
00:28:59.670 –> 00:29:13.170
David Vogelpohl: I’m a been a proud member of the genesis community over eight years. I lead Genesis at WP Engine and I love helping the genesis community get better together with my friends from the shapers. Thank you.
00:29:13.950 –> 00:29:14.490
Thanks, guys.
As a reminder, the Genesis Shapers are a global, hand-selected, and diverse group of people representing companies from across the community who share a representative voice for the strategic direction of Genesis, which is combined with the feedback we receive directly from customers across social channels, and through Genesis WP on Slack.